Productivity formwork operations. Case Study: Building Health Sciences UNAH-VS
activity analysis, productivity, sampling, construction operations, , formworkAbstract
The study was conducted in the Building Health Sciences UNAH-VS. The overall objective is to describe how productivity formwork operations and has specific objectives, determine how you distribute your time a gang in an operation of formwork, as this distribution varies time during the production process, to analyze the contribution of each of gang members, and finally understand the advantages of applying the technique of activity analysis of work sampling.
Activity analysis is a technique based on quantitative processes, not experimental, so cross was used to describe productivity using seven categories: direct labor, preparatory material handling equipment and tools management, delays, travel and staff. The study population was selected crews working on the forms for this project. We used the sampling method of the gang, focusing on one of them, there were a minimum of 45 random observations per hour, taking into consideration allowable error of 5%, a confidence level of 95% and a ratio of occurrences 50%.
Direct work the crew dedicated to the process was 31.82%; expect, 35.45%, and staff, 16.36%. In the course of the process was observed as decreased productivity approaching noon. It was observed the level of effort that each member of the band contributed to the product. The descriptive results are indicators of problems and their possible causes, and solutions.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 5, diciembre 2013: 101-115
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