Solid formulation based on Bacillus thuringiensis to control larvae of Aedes aegypti
Dengue, Aedes aegypti, Bacillus thuringiensisAbstract
In the Central American region, more and more deaths are registered as a result of the incidences of both classic and hemorrhagic dengue. Honduras continues to be the most affected country with an incidence of 7,870 cases of dengue fever, 1798 cases of hemorrhagic dengue and 56 recorded deaths. Therefore an action to combat the mosquito Aedes aegypti has been developed, using the minimal amount of insecticides and selecting products with low toxicity to avoid environmental contamination. So it is necessary to develop an alternative to combat the larvae that leads to the proliferation of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Using techniques that are affordable for the population, the stage of eliminating the mosquito may be reached, through the development of a solid formula based on Bacillus thurigiensis, which achieves the mortality of the Aedes aegypti larvae. This bacteria produces proteins called Cry and Cyt or delta endotoxins, which are highly toxic to kill the Aedes aegypti larvae. These proteins do not pollute the environment because they are biodegradable and they do not damage any organism. In order to know the efficiency of this formula, lethal time and larval mortality were evaluated. According to the results, it can be concluded that the base formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis has a larvicidal effect, having a 72 hour lethal time and a 57% mortality rate of Aedes aegypti larvae.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 4, julio 2013: 38-44
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