Characterization of radioelectric noise in hydroxyl OH emission, in UHF 1610 – 1614 mHz
Radio astronomy, 1610 - 1614 MHz, RF, InterferenceAbstract
The study called “Characterization of Radioelectric Noise in Emission of Hydroxyl OH, in UHF 1610-1614 MHz”, this research is fundamental in the preliminary phases for the implementation of a Radio Telescope. The Radio Astronomy Service was jointly defined by the International Astronomy Union and the International Telecommunications Union (IAU and ITU - respectively) supports the relevance of this research. The data was collected using methodologies and techniques established by ITU (ITU, 2011) and certified equipment for RFI studies was used. The radio conditions prevailing at the Central American Astronomical Observatory of Suyapa (OACS) were determined, or in other words, the radio environment to which any signal from a celestial source will be exposed, emitted in frequency 1610 - 1614 MHz. The study showed that in the location of the OACS, there is no Radio Interference of human origin and that strong signals from sources such as the Sun and the Milky Way are feasible to be received.
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