Perception of child trafficking and prevention strategies in Tegucigalpa
perception, trafficking, children trafficking, institutions, strategies, prevention, exploitationAbstract
The overall objective of this research was framed in analyzing the perception of this problem with governmental and non-governmental institutions and prevention strategies that are implemented in the city of Tegucigalpa.
The study was conducted with the institutions that make up the Interagency Commission Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking (CICESCT), board of directors, and institutions such as Casa Alianza, FONAMIH, Global Communities, INHFA, Asociación Calidad de Vida, Save The Children, Buckner, Pastoral de Movilidad Humana, Plan International, ILO, UNICEF and IOM; to know the perception on child trafficking officials, resulting in no difference in the perception of trafficking in adults and children.
Moreover, prevention strategies implemented in Tegucigalpa were studied, identifying the organization's work and the perception you have of the phenomenon, determines the approach that institutions running through their actions against trafficking for both adults and infants.
The study had a cross-sectional qualitative approach with a purposive sample, using techniques and tools: tokens mapping, unstructured interviews and semi-structured interviews; processing and data analysis was performed using the triangulation of the instruments.
The findings allowed us to know the achievements and obstacles presented in these processes also became inputs to develop recommendations on prevention strategies against child trafficking that is required to implement by governmental and non-governmental institutions in Tegucigalpa, indicating the need that these are based on cohesion and interagency work from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation thereof.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 7, diciembre 2014; 37-50
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