Working conditions with respect to occupational health sanitation employed UNAH
working conditions, healthy labor, politics, prevention actions, protection actions, reaction actionsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the results obtained in the research on occupational health of the employees of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH). The overall objective of this research is to analyze the conditions of work for occupational health of the employees UNAH sanitation.
In the study the conditions under which the employees perform their work sanitizing UNAH characterized, results show that these conditions pose risks for accidents or occupational diseases.
An actual health profile of the population studied, which are prevalent musculoskeletal, respiratory and skin diseases was developed allergies.
The study identified some protective actions such as gloves and masks, although the latter do not use attachment with the regularity needed. Actions of reaction found in the study are: reduction of work activities, change of work activities, transfers to other departments in the same working day.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 7, diciembre 2014; 51-61
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