Effects of minimum wages on the labor market in Honduras, 2007-2011
labor market, minimum wage, labor force, employed population, visible and invisible underemployment, salaried public, private and domesticAbstract
In Honduras as at the regional level in Latin America, this theme of labor market is much addressed empirically lacking computerization of scientific objectivity. Immediately after it, this investigation centres on giving response to this situation by means of his general objectives in order to analyze the effects of the adjustments to the minimum wage in the economically active working population of the labor market, as well as his specific aims, directed in determining the relation of the adjustments to determine the incident to the minimum wage in the working population of the labor market during the period 2007-2011, to estimate the incident of the minimum wage in the visible and invisible underemployment of the economically active population of the labor market and to establish the levels of incident of the above mentioned adjustments in the wage-earning population (I publish, privately and domesticate).
In this respect, the investigation develop on the basis of this information of the survey from the Permanent Survey of Homes of Multiple Intentions (EPHPM) of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), under the model use of linear simple regression, descriptive analysis and the support of interviews to experts in the topic. For your part we find that by every lempira of increase to the average monthly minimum wage there are generated 145 busy new ones, of which 64 belong to own account, 42 to familiar not remunerated workers and 39 to public, private employees and I domesticate. Considering that the agriculture, forestry, hunt and fishing is the activity economic that major number of occupied generates with regard to his totality.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 7, diciembre 2014; 107-130
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