The relationship between poverty level, the illiteracy rate and the per capita income in Honduras, 2006-2011
poverty, relative poverty, extreme poverty, illiteracy rate, income per capitaAbstract
The follow article shows the analysis results of the relationship between the poverty levels, literacy rate, and the income per capita nationwide, for the period 2006-2011. These results were obtained of the use of the methodology centered in the statistic basis of the Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Propositos Multiples (EPHPM- Mayo). It highlights the tendency of the poverty, literacy, and the income per capita; the important from this, are the behaviors that have been showing these aspects and the meaning of the poverty phenomenon. Generally follows that poverty in Honduras is linked with the issue of education and the income. Besides, there are other aspects that determine it; in view of the issues raised in this article, it has reduced to the literacy rate and the income per capita. It does not want to say, these parameters are the most appropriate way for explaining poverty, for naturally is a complex issue of analyzing. In essence what is sought is to show the behavior poverty in our country and his relationship between education and the income.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 7, diciembre 2014; 131-152
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