Academic labor needs and characteristics of teachers who teach research in the Faculty of Dentistry of the UNAH, during the third quarter of 2014
teaching, learning, research, prescribed needs, teacher academic characteristics, teacher occupational characteristicsAbstract
The functions of teaching and research are essential parts of the strategies in higher education systems (ES) that must shift short-term operational plans, OCU (2010). This article is based from the teaching and technical perspective of the author about the teaching of research in the Faculty of Dentistry at the UNAH during the third quarter of 2014. The study provides academic and occupational characteristics of teachers, describes needs, and makes recommendations regarding the process of learning; for this purpose, 129 students enrolled in the Research Methods class, as well as their teachers were selected as the sample. They were all given a questionnaire. The databases in SPSS-17.0 enabled descriptive analysis with frequency distributions and measures of central tendencies.
According to the students, 67% considered that teachers are practicing a method of teaching with explanations, 18% believe that they are using repetition and memorization, 16% believed that they are simply lecturing to the students, 30% teach by performing research, and 29% through observation-analysis-critical thinking, 28% teach through case studies, 71% by working in a groups, 2% throughout using role play, 8% through solving problems, 17% through debates, 16% through projects, and 8% through forums. Only one of the teachers in this study indicated a high level of knowledge and management of the subject. The level attained by students in each of the investigative skills assessed by teachers is low and is only the bare minimum. According to the students, in terms of methodology, the projection of still images is the resource most used by teachers (64%) and flipcharts are the least used (2%). Based on this, their process showed adherence to traditional teaching methods. Once the conclusions regarding the Curricular Plan of research were determined, it showed that the occupational characteristics of teachers and teaching in the Faculty did not respond to the need to train researchers in a professional manner.
Revista Portal de Ciencias, No. 8, June 2015: 95-119
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