Landscape construction in travel literature in Honduras during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries


  • Wendy Cálix Beneficiaria de una beca de estudiante de posgrado financiada por la DICYP, estudiante de la Maestría en Literatura Centroamericana, UNAH
  • Norma Lara Profesora universitaria asesora, Escuela de Letras, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, UNAH



travel literature, landscape construction, cityscape, rural landscape, Honduras, nineteenth century, twentieth century


The study of travel writing as a literary genre brings us to the timing of the events described and / or narrated by various travelers who visited Central America in this case, we were mainly interested in texts referred to his visit to Honduras, which allows us to approach and recreate the landscape of the country. Aldous Huxley, Harry A. Franck and Frank Vincent have published their books in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century recounting their trip to Central America, so, this study on landscape construction aims to investigate the main physical and distinctive traits that characterize Honduras, which are highlighted in the natural landscape. It is through the description of rural and urban environments that the configuration of natural areas, cities and country is recognized.

The qualitative approach was used as methodology, starting with the method of comparative literature in books the study of Documentary Research. Among the most important results that are found are the various descriptions on natural landscape, in urban environments the Spanish architectural heritage from colonial times seem to stand out, along with the stories of major cities from that historical era, the cities´ images and the populations´ inferences; in regards to the rural environment, references on the country's natural beauty and abundant forests and rivers surrounding the territory, represents the landscape that invites us to return to this particular time in Honduras history.

Revista Portal de Ciencias, No. 8, June 2015: 123-136



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How to Cite

Cálix, W., & Lara, N. (2015). Landscape construction in travel literature in Honduras during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Portal De La Ciencia, 8, 123–136.



Humanities and Arts