Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of teenage pregnancy in Honduras, 2006-2012
Teenage pregnancy, the demographic and socioeconomic characteristicsAbstract
The teenage pregnancy in Honduras has turned into a topic of analysis and permanent discussion to such a degree that it has caught the attention of the First Lady of Honduras and therefore programs and projects are being implemented to help reduce the national percentage of pregnant teenagers.
The present article describes the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the pregnant young women from 15 to 19 years of age. The O.M.S, defines the adolescence as the period of life in which the individual acquires the reproductive capacity, travels the psychological pattern from childhood to adulthood and consolidates its socio- economic independence.
The developed investigation is of a descriptive - quantitative type, based on two recent Surveys of Demography and Health (ENDESA, 2005-2006, 2011-2012) with a level of departmental disaggregation.
In the rural area of the country, the major percentages of teen pregnancy cases have been presented with 64 % in the year 2006, and an increased percentage of 66 % in the year 2012, while 69 % of the pregnant teenagers surveyed in the year 2006 had at least primary education, in the year 2012 the percentage decreased to 58 %.
The decision to have a sexual relation at an early age is individual and is difficult to stop, therefore, the State in alliance with public and private institutions must manage projects to prevent teenage pregnancy, must generate work and study opportunities, as well as spaces of socialization that can help create life projects for the promotion of human sustainable development.
Revista Portal de Ciencias, No. 8, June 2015: 139-160
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