Determinants of cohabitation and marriage in Honduras: young people aged 18 to 29 years, 2005-2012
cohabitation, marriage, union, youth, family, age at first marriage, age at first sexual relationAbstract
Cohabitation is a phenomenon that has been present in the Honduran society along with marriage, being the first, the most practiced method of union by the population, since their youth to adulthood. The highest rates of cohabitation are shown in rural areas, from couples whose highest educational level is elementary school. This type of union has increased in the last decade.
According to their statistical significance, there were several factors identified in this type of union: the number of children, the age where they had their first intercourse and first cohabitation. People get married in adulthood and cohabit in youth and middle age.
This study attempts to identify differences in forms of cohabitation by age, place of residence, educational level, religion, number of children, which helps characterize cohabitation and marriage considering the situation of working men and women, in relation to their particular occupation and possession of property.
We analyze the case of young men and women between the ages of 18 and 29 years in union. Database given at the National Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2005-2006 and 2011-2012,was taken, SPSS statistical program was used to process information. Logistic regression model using the Stata statistical software was applied.
Revista Portal de Ciencias, No. 8, June 2015: 161-187
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