Gestational diabetes in pregnant women receiving outpatient care
gestational diabetes, knowledge, prevention, strategies, ambulatory attentionAbstract
The main goal of this research, is to determine the level of knowledge about the stages of diabetes in pregnant women, knowing the mayor risks factors, and also identifying the most consumed foods by pregnant women who receive ambulatory attention in the gynecology station at the Alonso Suazo health center.
This research is based in a quantitative methodology, cross-section design , because the data was collected in a certain time, obtaining a descriptive scope. The population in study were 22 pregnant women, 15 of them represent the main sample and 6 of them were considered the pilot sample. The inclusion criteria and analysis unit were all the pregnant woman who receive ambulatory attention at the Alonso Suazo health center. In the same way the exclusion and elimination criteria used in this study was the number of women who were not pregnant or those women who have not received attention in that gynecology station.
This research determined that 80% of the pregnant women who attended the health center have no knowledge about gestational diabetes and that allowed us to have awareness of the seriousness of this problem. The research intends to promote new strategies for prevention and control of gestational diabetes, considering a balanced and low carbs nutrition as means of prevention.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 9, diciembre 2015, pp.42-52
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