Intelligence versus attendance: its impact on academic performance
intelligence, attendance, academic performanceAbstract
The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between general intelligence and school attendance as predictors of academic performance. In the study, a sample of 56 university students from different races was taken between age range of 18 and 35 years. All of the students enrolled in the class of General Psychology, during the third academic period of 2014 in the National Autonomous University of Honduras.
The present study has a quantitative approach with a correlational and transectional design. To evaluate the intellectual capacity of the students (IQ), a nonverbal test from Purdue University was used. The student attendance was verified from the presence in the classroom and in order to determine their academic performance, the average grades for the first and second periods were considered as the main indicator.
The results show that there is no relationship between intelligence and academic performance (r = -0.08, Sig. = 0.553) while attending classes is related (r = 0.486, Sig. = 0.000), therefore the correlation analysis shows that regular attendance is linked to academic success. These results encourage the study of other variables that can be linked to academic performance so that further research can identify how student achievement can be improved.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 9, diciembre 2015, pp.55-64
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