Perception of the elderly about the services of the Office of the Third Age
older persons, Senior Attorney, domestic violence, abandonment, service satisfactionAbstract
The present study describes the perception of older people about the services provided by the Office for third age attention in Tegucigalpa, which is important due to their increased population, globally and nationwide. As a social worker from the Department of Forensic Medicine, interest in the subject arose from contact with older adults, which were victims of domestic violence and neglect, and therefore led them to resort to such legal remedies to defend their rights.
The article presents an analysis of the context in which the research was conducted, referring to the problem of abuse suffered by the population from the human rights perspective. In order to understand the current elderly problems, a new conception of old age is needed, to understand this perspective and the joint work of professionals, families, community and state, constituted as agents of social support to promote old age security, welfare and citizenship.
This study used a qualitative approach, based on the phenomenological method, since its purpose was to describe how the elderly perceive the services provided by the Office for third age attention. According to these results, the phenomenon was described and characterized. The information was collected by the elderly using the Office´s services during the first half of 2013.
For production work qualitative data, the research development contemplated the technique of semi-structured interview. 67 older adults were interviewed, of which 20 were men and 47 were women. As for the findings it is important to say that older adults who took part in the study sample, were satisfied with the work of this institution. They also expressed their satisfaction with the coverage of services and for some, it exceed their expectations. However, some users might have expressed low expectations, because they had limited access to the services provided by the Office.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 9, diciembre 2015, pp.65-79
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