Primary development environments and socio-cognitive skills in students with disruptive behavior
bioecologic perspective, microsistems, parenting style, peer relationships, sociocultural theory, social and cognitive skillsAbstract
The study has a mixed descriptive methodological approach, with qualitative predominance. The main objective was to understand the functioning of the primary development environment and socio-cognitive skills of school children with disruptive behavior in the John F. Kennedy School of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 15 participants (14 males, 1 female) between the ages of 6 to 10 years were evaluated, using observational, psychometric, projective and interview techniques.
The results show that a two-parent family prevails over a single-parent structure in regards to family environment. Related to the father and mother, all participants showed conflicts characterized by hostile relations, lacking affection and communication. In fraternal relations, rivalry conflicts, hostility and emotional distance were found. Most parenting styles were described as authoritarian and just in one case the permissive style was described. The disciplinary practices, in all cases are the physical and restrictive punishments.
The school environment has ideal physical conditions. In group interactions, integration difficulties were identified, due to rejection by their conduct. All participants showed aggressiveness conflicts with peers. Teachers showed an ambivalent disciplinary style toward disruptive conduct.
Regarding the socio-cognitive skills focused on solving problems in interpersonal relationships, most students have adequate skills, so we can say that the participants have the mental tools to act appropriately in problematic situations of social interaction.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 9, diciembre 2015, pp.80-93
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