Perception of families on youth violence, the case of Colonia San Francisco Comayagüela
family, violence, human rights, everyday life, powerAbstract
The present study describes the youth violence perception of the families living in San Francisco neighborhood in Comayagüela, taking in consideration the perception of family as a living dynamic system subject to continuous establishment of rules, where its members begin their process of development and interaction with others. As a part of society, families are exposed to a number of situations that contribute positively or negatively to its development, therefore the importance of understanding their perception on youth violence, which puts vulnerable primarily to children and youth in Honduras.
This is qualitative type research, with a cross section descriptive scope, using a sample on purpose. A set of variables defined in the research framework were operationalized, each family was considered as a unit of analysis. A semi-structured interview was contemplated for production work qualitative data. The interviewed sample consisted of 28 people in 4 nuclear families, 4 extended families and 2 single parent families, belonging to the 8 sectors in the neighborhood. The information recollected in the interview indicated four of these sectors considered as points of youth meetings.
The findings portrayed the following perceptions: lack of communication, violence manifested in all its representations, ignorance and disrespect of family´s rights, family breakup, lack of values, such as respect. All of these perceptions have a violent influence in family and community spaces, even in different scenarios, influencing their full development as a grown person.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 9, diciembre 2015, pp.94-115
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