Characterization of the coastal marine communities in the biological beach and estuary of the island Boca de Rio Viejo


  • Adan Rivas Estudiante, Carrera de Ingeniería en Ciencias Acuícolas y Recursos Marino Costeros Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Pacífico (CURLP-UNAH)
  • Jessy Montoya Estudiantes, Carrera de Ingeniería en Ciencias Acuícolas y Recursos Marino Costeros Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Pacífico (CURLP-UNAH)
  • Yolany Garcia Estudiantes, Carrera de Ingeniería en Ciencias Acuícolas y Recursos Marino Costeros Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Pacífico (CURLP-UNAH)
  • Cristhian Canales Estudiante, Carrera de Ingeniería Agroindustrial, CURLP-UNAH
  • Vanessa Merlo Asesora, Profesora investigadora, Carrera de Ingeniería en Ciencias Acuícolas y Recursos Marinos Costeros, CURLP-UNAH



characterization, Estero, Biological Beach, gastropods, bivalves, Epibionts, high tide, low tide, abundancia


The purpose of the research was to characterize the coastal marine communities found on the beach of the coastal intertidal zone (C1) and the estuary of Boca de Rio Viejo (C2) and the collection of information to estimate the habitat preference. The location of the characterized area took place in the coastal community of Boca de Rio Viejo, at latitude 13 ° 13'17.1 "N and 87 ° 27'19.0 length", in the municipality of Marcovia (approximately 40 km from Choluteca City. The observation date took place on 23 October 2015. Among the study´s specific objectives, the abundance of taxonomic groups in molluscs was determined by comparing two quadrants of 3X3 m2 located respectively, C1 in the intertidal coastal zone and, C2 in Estero Boca de Rio Viejo beach.

Consequently, the organisms were collected, the biometrics volumen was taken, biophysical parameters and profile of beach was determined, at Estero Boca de Rio Viejo (13 ° 13'36.47 "N, 87 ° 27'15.24" W) and the intertidal coastal area (13 ° 13'11.60 "N, 87 ° 27'27.20" W) at Isla Boca Rio Viejo.

In this research the following results corresponding to two abundant Filo Mollusk taxonomic classes were found, Gastropoda and Bivalvia. Moreover, epibionts was found in the presence of individuals collected in the Gastropoda class. The bivalves taxonomic class was highlighted with an abundance of 97.39% in C1 including 7.81 pH, and temperature of 32 ° C and the Gastropoda taxonomic class obtained a 91.07% in C2, a 8.76 pH and temperature of 32 ° C.

Within the taxonomic classification of C1 the following families were found Veneridae and Arcidae. The taxonomic classification of C2, these families were found: Naticidae, Nassariidae and Potamididae. The total of organisms collected were 309 in C2 and 110 in C1. It is understood by high tide as the highest level reached by sea water during high tide and low tide is defined as the lowest level that reaches the sea water at low tide.


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How to Cite

Rivas, A., Montoya, J., Garcia, Y., Canales, C., & Merlo, V. (2016). Characterization of the coastal marine communities in the biological beach and estuary of the island Boca de Rio Viejo. Portal De La Ciencia, 10, 29–40.



Area Life Sciences and Health