Study on the implementation of a clinical information system in Honduras (SICHO)
system, medicine, Honduras, clinical control studyAbstract
In this research, a clinical information system is proposed in Honduras (Sicho), created for the administration of medical appointments, medical history and national drug control in public medical centers.
This system will provide patient information: a history of allergies, past medical visit prescriptions, treatments; thus providing accurate statistical information of possible epidemics. It will also study the economic viability of the health system in the country, in order to implement such a nationwide system.
The data collection of potential beneficiaries (patients from one medical center), has resulted in the agreement of those who have benefited from the system. Interviewed doctors are in favor, because the system facilitates the study of cases and the patient control clinical data; so, despite the reluctance to change on behalf of the doctors, the majority agree that it would help them take advantage of all previous data recorded by their colleagues.
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