Pelargonidine extracted from radish as a substitute for acid-base pH indicators of synthetic origin


  • Andrea Carolina Bardales Martínez Estudiante, Carrera de Química Industrial, UNAH-VS
  • Irma Dalila Ventura Asesora, Profesora Carrera de Química Industrial, UNAH-VS



Indicators of pH, anthocyanins, radish extract, acid-base titrations, pelargonidin


Introduction: Pelargonidin, a radish’s extract is an anthocyanin which depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the medium displays different colors, acting as a characteristic pH indicator. The purpose of the study was to identify the synthetic pH indicators that could be substituted for the pelargonidin extracted from radish, as used in the National Autonomous University of Honduras in the campus located at Sula Valley.

Method: The design taken in this research was an experimental field; the data collection was carried out by extracting anthocyanin from radish and determining the color turning points presented by this extract. Subsequently a number of titrations were performed using the radish extract and synthetic pH indicators with similar color turning points presented by the pelargonidin. The results were discussed and evaluated by statistical tools.

Results: 66.67% of synthetic pH indicators showed a standard deviation higher than the pelargonidin in the titrations made. PH determinations for test substances used in general chemistry’s laboratory in the UNAH-VS campus gave similar results for both synthetic pH indicator and the anthocyanin extracted from radish.

Conclusion: the radish’s extract, pelargonidin, can easily replace 100% pH indicators assessed in the investigation.  


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How to Cite

Bardales Martínez, A. C., & Dalila Ventura, I. (2016). Pelargonidine extracted from radish as a substitute for acid-base pH indicators of synthetic origin. Portal De La Ciencia, 10, 93–104.



Area Mathematical Physics