Community participation, urban changes: the case of the colony Flor del Campo, Central District
urban development, community participation, social organization, urban change, actors socialAbstract
At the present time, the growth of urban zones is a topic of worldwide agenda, a situation that brings forward the generation of new spaces and demands on behalf of the persons who inhabit in them. The urban society along with the incorporation of the social movement, generates conjunctures that forge the reaction of individual needs for the collective context, allowing a brainstorm of ideas for the search of settlement between the existing needs. The social actors inside the “Colonia Flor del Campo” visualize the development of social relations framed in an urban area; during thirty five years of foundation of this colony, the urban stage has showed itself throughout time. To know our own situation as a community participation matter is not a question of simple information or curiosity, it is a question of seeing as how this factor passes to form part of consciousness on the problems and elements that are an obstacle for the individual development or grupal development of the community. The general aim of the study was to evaluate the community participation as a determinant factor in the process of urban changes from its beginning up to its conformation, developing specific aims as knowing levels of participation and the social organization of community participation. The key actors taken in account are: adults who have lived in the colony for more than 30 years, and the activities among leaders of the community and young persons. The methodology used was a qualitative approach of investigation, using an interpretive paradigm, observation and the use of semistructured surveys.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No.11, diciembre 2016, p.125-139
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