Gravitropic analysis of the primordial root of Mesoamerican plants, under simulated microgravity conditions


  • Brenda Medina Maestría Académica Regional Centroamericana en Astronomía y Astrofísica, Depto. Astronomía y Astrofísica, Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales, UNAH
  • Cesar Rodríguez Asesor metodológico de la Maestría Académica Regional Centroamericana en Astronomía y Astrofísica, Depto. Astronomía y Astrofísica, Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales, UNAH



microgravity, clinostat, growth under microgravity, gravitropic curvature


This research shows data of the growth and gravitropic curvature of six species of current importance for the Mesoamerican area, Paseolus vulgaris var. Creole, Paseolus vulgaris var. Amadeus 77, Phaseolus lunatus Phaseolus acutifolious, Vigna unguiculata and Sorghum bicolor; Under conditions of microgravity simulated in clinostat of an axis, as well as histological cuts of the tissues of the Clinorotated samples and the Control 1g samples.

It aims to understand the behavior of the primordial root of plants currently cultivated in Mesoamerica, when the net force on the vertical is smaller than the gravitational force; this was done with the intention of identifying the plant species that could have optimal growth at low gravity.

The laboratory tests were carried out at the facilities of the Faculty of Space Sciences UNAH. Sowing in Petri dishes with a substrate called agar and inside humid chambers to maintain equal humidity and temperature conditions. After the roots were germinated we proceeded to the process of clinorotation of the sample called "Clinorotated" (subjected to microgravity) during sessions of two hours; Taking photographs every thirty minutes for further comparison analysis. The data were analyzed using the ImageJ program, and tabulated using Excel.

Phaseolus lunatus, Vigna unguiculata and Soghum bicolor are three species in which it was observed that their growth has not been significantly affected to low gravity. So they are species that could be considered for further studies in microgravity onboard space probes.

Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 12, junio 2017; 73-96


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How to Cite

Medina, B., & Rodríguez, C. (2017). Gravitropic analysis of the primordial root of Mesoamerican plants, under simulated microgravity conditions. Portal De La Ciencia, 12, 73–96.



Area Space Sciences