Design and implementation of sustainable solutions through housing in the Santa Clara neighborhood, Comayaguela M.D.C. Honduras
Architecture, sustainability, basic housing, HondurasAbstract
The present study is a mixed approach research based on the design and implementation of sustainable techniques and solutions applied to a prototype dwelling with qualitative deficiencies in Colonia Santa Clara, located in Comayagüela, MDC, with the objective of identifying the spatial and physical conditions of the dwellings and generate a proposal based on the results of the same research that leads to innovation and the easy and adequate implementation by the inhabitants of the techniques of sustainability of housing. For this purpose, a diagnosis of the place was taken with sampling tools that allowed the choice of priority techniques, which lead to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants, which include criteria of sustainability, ecological, low economic cost, easy realization with techniques and materials of the zone. Likewise, issues of basic sanitation, drinking water, food safety, waste management, water reuse and, of course, constructive alternatives were considered, allowing a positive result in environmental, economic and social aspects, adding the use of techniques and infrastructure implemented by its users. Based on sustainability criteria, the research showed the inhabitants the benefits, economic accessibility and ease, in order to motivate them to improve their quality of life with few resources and materials at their disposal. The house can be replicated as many times as necessary in the same colony.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 12, junio 2017; 99-119
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