The interdisciplinarity of engineering, management of capacity building in rural communities
Interdisciplinarity, Engineering, Linkage, Research, capacitiesAbstract
Engineering careers play a very important role in the development of communities that seek to solve their shortcomings and lack of resources. Interdisciplinarity is a real advantage in all the engineering faculty, which has the benefit of being able to intervene from several areas of knowledge the problems that exist in the affected areas of an affected community, providing support to the management of capacity building of rural zone. The study sets out how to create a model of intervention using multiple approaches from the different engineering careers of the UNAH to develop a clear vision in its management in the support of capacities to the rural zone. The research shows that the integration of the different careers can provide the necessary solutions for the strengthening of the capacities of these rural zones. Engineering as a knowledge area at UNAH can define real interdisciplinary actions to clarify the management of support with the community, structuring its intervention based on the disciplinary areas to develop activities and solutions to the problems that these rural zones have.
Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 12, junio 2017; 120-137
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