The State of the Art/technique in scientific and tecnological research


  • Alberto Urbina UNAH
  • Mario Morel UNAH



scientific research, tecnological research, state of the art, state of the tecnique


The State of the Art/technique, makes reference to the last state of the knowledge on the research and the development (I + D), that is to say that it is the limit of knowledge generated on a subject or problem of scientific and / or technological investigation, establishing how far it has advanced, what the border is in a given time and space. At the beginning of the process of construction and / or discovery of scientific knowledge through research, without a doubt, teachers ask themselves: ¿The state of the art / technique, is one of those occurrences of the management of research (Managers), for complicate the work of researchers in the formulation of their R & D protocols? Is the desire to make access to financing more bureaucratic, especially if it has as a source the university budget? Similarly, researchers with limited research experience have the perception that the state of the art / technique is the same as the theoretical framework and as such they treat it. In order to contribute to a better discernment and internalization and the proper use of these fundamental elements of any scientific research project and / or technology we have prepared a synthesis on the subject.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Urbina, UNAH

Jefe de Departamento de Propiedad Intelectual e Innovación de la Dirección de Investigación Científica y Posgrado. Es ingeniero agrónomo. Maestría en Fitotecnia de la Universidad de Moscú, Russia. Maestría en Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad Latinoamericana de la Comunicación Educativa,
México. Especialidad en Gestión, Diseño y Evaluación Curricular de la UNAH. Especialidad en Propiedad Intelectual e Innovación de la Universidad Alicante, España.

Mario Morel, UNAH

Coordinador del Centro de Apoyo a la Tecnologia y la Innovación (CATI) de la UNAH. Miembro del Departamento de Propiedad Intelectual e Innovación de la Dirección de Investigación Científica y Posgrado. Es ingeniero en sistemas y actualmente cursa la Maestría en Gestión de Tecnologías de la Información de la UNAH. 



How to Cite

Urbina, A., & Morel, M. (2018). The State of the Art/technique in scientific and tecnological research. Portal De La Ciencia, 13, 3–7.



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