Prevalence of gingival enlargement and retraction in patients with orthodontic treatment


  • Ana Gabriela Rodríguez Vásquez Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”.
  • Lourdes Karina Fernández García Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”
  • Edita Hortensia Valladares Trochez Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”



gingival enlargement, gingival retraction, orthodontic treatment, hygiene deficiency


The key to success in orthodontic treatments are focused on a good diagnosis, and excellent multi and interdisciplinary communication with other dental specialties, always considering prevention as a primary area. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of gingival enlargement and retraction in a patient with orthodontic treatment, in order to know the type of prevalent periodontal alterations in patients with orthodontic appliances.

The sample used is 200 patients who attend orthodontic care at the Hospital Odontológico Monseñor Agustín Hombach of the Universidad Católica de Honduras. This sample was calculated based on a universe of 450 people with a 5% of sample error, constituting this as a simple random sample. The data collection instrument included: an anamnesis (interrogatories filled in by the patient) and the part of the clinical history (filled by the researcher) in which the enlargement, gingival retraction and bacterial plaque were observed and measured clinically. The results established in the study showed that the prevalence of enlargement was 110 (55%) patients and gingival retraction 21 (10%) patients, the deficiency of oral hygiene is prevalent in patients with orthodontic treatment because of the fixed appliances they use, the risk factors (diet, systemic diseases and medications) do not aggravate the enlargement and gingival retraction in such patients. In the statistical analysis of correlation used, the research hypotheses were verified stating that: there is a correlation between time of the orthodontic treatment and the gingival enlargement in patients with orthodontic treatment, in which there was a positive correlation with a significance rate of 0.021 and that there is correlation of age of the patient with approved gingival retraction with a significance rate of 0.011.


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Author Biographies

Ana Gabriela Rodríguez Vásquez, Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”.

Estudiante, Carrera de Cirugía Dental

Lourdes Karina Fernández García, Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”

Asesor metodológico, Directora del Hospital Odontológico Monseñor Agustín Hombach

Edita Hortensia Valladares Trochez, Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”

Asesor técnico , Profesora de Postgrado de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Maxilofacial de la facultad de Cirugía Dental



How to Cite

Rodríguez Vásquez, A. G., Fernández García, L. K., & Valladares Trochez, E. H. (2018). Prevalence of gingival enlargement and retraction in patients with orthodontic treatment. Portal De La Ciencia, 13, 21–31.



Area Life Sciences and Health