Molecular and serological characterization of Escherichia coli in craft cheeses from six departments of Honduras
E. coli, phylogenetic groups, pathotypes, serotypesAbstract
In a study conducted in 2015, the quality and safety of artisanal cheeses from six departments of Honduras were evaluated (that are within the cheese producing regions of the country). The results of this microbiology quality study in this type of food are somewhat alarming since the total bacteria count and fecal coliforms were higher than 1 x 103 CFU / g (exceeding the limits established in regulations for this type of products). This is due to poor manufacturing practices that small and medium producers may have. Escherichia coli is a pathogen that serves as an indicator of fecal contamination in water and food. This bacterium has evolved to be a versatile intestinal pathogen that can harbor several virulence genes that create lesions in intestinal cells. The main objective was to classify molecularly the pathotypes and phylogenetic groups of E. coli from strains obtained from cheese samples. Additionally, the classification of strains in serotypes was achieved, which provided more information and epidemiological coincidences with other studies from other sources. The study comprised the year 2016 where the whole experimental part was carried out and 2017, the analysis of all the data obtained was concluded. A total of 48 strains obtained from the 2015 study where 86% (n = 41) were obtained from semi-dry cheese, and the rest from fresh and dry cheese. 58% (n = 28) amplified for two main EPEC pathotypes (in 54%) and ETEC (46%). The predominant phylogenetic group was B1 with 50% (n = 24). The predominant serogroups in the strains were O6, O8, O159. It can be concluded that there are pathotypes which harbor virulence factors that cause intestinal pathologies. In high-consumption foods such as artisan cheeses, it is a food safety problem that must be taken seriously. There are many questions to answer after this description of the situation of a pathogen that can cause outbreaks at any time.
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