The academic performance of education in Honduras, 2002-2011
Higher education, education performance, diminishing returnsAbstract
The acquisition of scholastic levels of the population can be seen as an asset that generates favorable results of various kinds to the citizens of a country, and that can contribute to generating productive, socio-economic flows and thus enhance global competitiveness. The methods used for estimating indicators on income arising from a Heckman selection model which is calculated in two stages, the first is by means of a selection method that generates an indicator called the inverse of Mills and the other part of the calculation includes the results of this indicator in the multiple regression model which generates the proposed indicators and thus evaluate the results for each grade level as for other variables included in the study.
The main sources of statistical inputs for these estimates arising from the National Statistics Institute (INE) as well as from the Ministry of Education of Honduras (SEH). From the results for both the year 20011 and 2002 show that: Primary education improved their results compared to that level, placing these results in 12.8% and 9.4% respectively. In the case of secondary and higher education, they showed better results than the primary level, noting that this may be reflected in secondary education 8.1% for 2011 and 11% for 2002 was obtained; in the case of higher education results of 16.6% for 2011 and 18.3% in 2002 was reflected.
From the above results, it can be concluded that education or domain expertise play an extremely important role in improving socio-economic conditions of the people who manage to be economically gainful employment role.
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