Teaching-constructivist learning process in the subject of General Chemistry QQ-103 of the UNAH (year 2016)
Learning, competences, teaching strategiesAbstract
The objective of the study was to analyze the implementation of the methodology based on competences and effective/significant learning, using innovative didactic strategies for understanding and solving problems related to the chemical sciences, these strategies included: conceptual Maps, flow chart, UVE of Gowin, problem-solving and case studies applied to the subject of mass, volume and density measurement of solid and liquid substances of the subject, through a didactic guide designed according to the contents analyzed. For the study a random sample of 55 students was used, belonging three sections of General Chemistry QQ103 of the first academic period 2016, one of them was established as a control group consisting of 15 students and the other two sections with a total of 40 students. Effective/significant learning was diagnosed by means of a pre-test, considering their positive and negative attitudes
towards the knowledge of chemistry, as their comprehension of the syllabus before and after the application of the didactic strategies implemented, as well as a didactic guide validated pos test was made to investigate the achievement of generic competences. The information obtained was processed using the statistical program for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and the results were expressed in numerical and percentage terms.
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