Automated Early Warning Flood System SAATI and simulation table
Early warning, simulation table, floodsAbstract
A flood simulation table caused by precipitation was designed and built. The table consists of a model that represents a river, to which is added water stored in a tank with the objective of increasing the water level, simulating a flood. An early warning system was developed that, based on water level data obtained by ultrasonic sensors, emits flood alerts. The sensors are placed in equidistant random points that send the data to an electronic board to be processed and then stored in a spreadsheet. The information is exported back to the plate and the water levels are compared with the established risk scenarios. The code automatically assesses the need to issue a green, yellow or red alert, as the case may be. The system has the capacity to store the information obtained periodically, generating a river level database based on time. The simulation table, in addition to serving as a means of verification of the code in the laboratory, will serve for the generation of new prototypes. This early warning system seeks to strengthen the emergency committees at the local level, providing information in real time that serves to make decisions more effectively.
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