Demand for higher education professionals in the area of Humanities in the region 2 valleys of Comayagua, Honduras (2015 - 2016)
Demands of professionals, academic offer, higher education, relevance, graduates, career pathAbstract
In this article research, the main objective is to analyze the demand for higher professional education in the humanities in the 2 regions of Comayagua valleys in the period 2015 – 2016. In the methodology used for the development of this research, a comprehensive approach is used; meaning both quantitative and qualitative components, since the last information allows us to penetrate in the reasons of the situations found in every municipality and this way to determine the relevancy of the careers that the CURC offers. Given that it is an integral report, there are established questions of investigation that orientate the search for information and other processes related to the investigation. Taking as variables the academic offer, labor demand, and labor path. In addition, at the population and sample, one is employed with 27 municipalities of the region 2 Comayagua's valleys, due that no one united nations population to make a proper known exact calculation. The instruments that are in use are the survey and the interview, which were applied to students of last year of secondary, graduates of top education, employers of university professionals, entrepreneurs, community leaders, ONG, public and private universities. The information of the instruments was gathered applied to know the relevancy of these careers, the results were analyzed and one determined that, in the CURC, the area of humanities, it is not offering careers of any academic degree, and the master of journalism that is located in this department does not belong to him. Equally, this university center needs professionals in foreign languages, as well as training, already be courses, workshops, graduates or others.
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