Researchers and scientific publications at UNAH
Scientific research, scientific publication, public universityAbstract
For some time, the National Autonomous University of Honduras has created policies for improving the quality of scientific research processes, this being one of the three most important functions of the university. In this context, the Directorate of Scientific Research, as an instance of general management of UNAH research, uses the Policy of Scientific Research, Development and Innovation as a guiding tool for the creation and implementation of mechanisms that contribute to the achievement of objectives, in the field of scientific research. The policy has several guiding axes, among them, the publication of scientific production. Each of the five axes of the policy share activities that allow the operation of the processes that are oriented to stimulate and strengthen the research activity at the University, as well as its diffusion in different academic media at a national and international level. The present article pretends to characterize some of the activities around the scientific publication of the last years in the
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