Seed viability of lignum vitae (Guaiacum sanctum L., Zygophyllaceae) after two pregerminative treatments
Lixiviation, viability percentage, tetrazolium test, seed coat incision, HondurasAbstract
Guaiacum sanctum L. is a slow-growing tree species that belongs to the family Zygophyllaceae, inhabits the subtropical and tropical dry forest. The objective of this study was to analyze the viability of lignum vitae seeds, after two pregerminative treatments. The seed were collected nearly Carlos Miranda Stadium in Comayagua department, Honduras. Once the seeds were collected, seed coat incision and lixiviation were applied, as pregerminative treatments and subsequently applied buoyancy and tetrazolium tests for the viability analysis. A higher number of viable seeds was obtained, registering the highest viability percentages, in those that did not apply the pregerminative treatment. Viability tests showed that the most effective test, was tetrazolium test, because the embryo and the tissues can be observed directly. The Viability analysis contributed to know the possible influence of pregerminative treatments on the viability of the seeds. These are important factors since they are related to the germination of this tree with economic and forestry interest.
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