Adaptation to the captivity of the species; Anableps dowei, Poecilia gilli, Amatlitania nigrofasciata, for the development of aquariology in the southnern zone of Honduras
Acuariology, adaptation, ornamental species, HondurasAbstract
Aquariology has been visualized as an alternative to promote aquaculture innovation and achieve a better use of aquatic biodiversity in the region, so it was proposed in this study to evaluate the adaptation to captivity and acceptance to the commercial feed of three fish species with ornamental potential, native to southern Honduras; A. dowei, p. gilli and A. nigrofasciata. In the design of the research, two treatments were compared (fish tank with natural substrate and a fish tank with commercial substrate) and three repetitions per treatment, in the same way a control treatment without substrate, and 49 organisms distributed in each of the fish tanks were studied during a period of six weeks, in which survival was monitored as an indicator of adaptation. With the same frequency, the time it took the organisms to eat the food supplied was measured. Based on the previous observations, it was determined that the species, P. gilli and A. nigrofasciata obtained 11% and 22% more survival in comparison with commercial substrate fish tanks. In contrast A. dowei did not survive in any treatment. Regarding the acceptance of the food, the fish consumed it in an average time of 26.13 seconds without this variable being influenced by the type of substrate. It is important to mention that the deaths of A. dowei were caused by attacks of A. nigrofasciata since it is an aggressive and territorial species. It is estimated that the species adapted to captivity regardless of the type of substrate and if not for the behavioral factor, the survival percentages would have been significant for all species.
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