Prevalence of maxillary lesions in orthopantomography of patients attending dental clinics of UNAH and HEU, 2016-2017
maxillary lesions, orthopantomography, radiolucency, radiopacityAbstract
Maxillofacial lesions are a heterogeneous group of alterations that are observable in orthopantomographies such as radiolucency, radiopacity or a combination of both. To determine the prevalence of maxillary lesions of patients who attended the dental clinics of the UNAH and HEU during 2016-2017. A study was carried out with a quantitative approach, descriptive scope, cross-sectional observational and retrospective design of digital panoramic radiographs, exploring maxillofacial alterations. The characterization of its presentation was carried out according to sex and age. 326 digital orthopantomographies were analyzed, 111 (34%) of men and 215 (65.9%) of women. Limit ages of 5 and 80 years. It was found that 86 (26.3%) had lesions in the jaws, 37 (43%) in men and 49 (56.9%) in women. The age group from 21 to 30 years was the one that presented more injuries 21 (24.4%), According to the institutions 229 people were from the UNAH with 24.4% injuries, and 97 from the HEU with 30.92% maxillary lesions. The most common type of injury was radiolucent with 65%. Lesions in the maxillofacial complex present a variety of radiographic patterns.
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