Seismic Microzoning in the Villages: Jacaleapa, El Tablón and La Cañada, Tegucigalpa D.C., Honduras (2017-2018)
seismic microzoning, site effect, resonance effectAbstract
This research shows fundamental data for the design of structures since points of frequency, relative amplitudes, defined heights of the rocky basement, type of soils and rocks, wave velocities that characterize the strata, as well as a thematic cartography by means of maps were obtained, which will serve as an instrument to carry out a good urban planning and obtain the order of ordering the territory. The objective of this research is to establish a seismic microzonation that consists in identifying and characterizing lithological units, generally soils whose dynamic response to earthquakes are similar. In addition to these units, the induced effects are included (faults, liquefaction, etc.) and their dangerousness is assessed. The resulting maps, or microzonation maps, are presented in a cartographic base useful for urban planning and building purposes. To obtain the essays or studies carried out in this research, national information was collected and different thematic maps were made in order to obtain a detailed geology of the type of soil and rock that makes up the site, Seismic Refraction, Electrical Resistivity, and Periods of the soil with the accelerograph, as well as the topography that helped to generate the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which helped to identify landslide zones in the study area. There are two microzones that were established in this study based on the fundamental period of the soil, zone I that goes from 1.25 to 1.79 seconds and zone II that goes from 0.43 to 0.80 seconds, for zone I the buildings at risk are those that they have a corresponding average height above ten floors. In zone two the buildings of 3 to 4 floors.
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