Measurement of the improvement of the comprehensive reading of the first-year students of the UNAH through the subject of General Spanish (year 2017)
Comprehensive reading improvement, spanish didactics, reading psycholinguistics, university self- assessmentAbstract
The frequent practice of deciding reforms or educational changes without objective evaluations of what is intended to be corrected should be avoided. With this descriptive research, the improvement of the comprehension reading of the first-year students after studying the subject of General Spanish (EG-011) in the first period 2017 in the CU- was measured through a pretest-posttest design. UNAH, in order to obtain concrete data to reform the program of that subject based on the achievement of that mental skill. Also as a way to evaluate the achievement of the university as an institution. Comprehensive reading was chosen as the basis for other academic mental skills and relatively easier to assess. The data was processed with the EPI-INFO and SPSS programs and the improvement was calculated with a difference of averages. The results indicate that this is very small (4.23%) and therefore the program must be reformed. In addition to the instrument, they began to investigate better teaching practices and a survey was applied on 14 socioeconomic factors to know their relationship with the achievement of this skill and thus be guided in this reform. It is necessary to follow up on this research to confirm the trends obtained.
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