Frequency of heteroplasmy in HVI and HVII mitocondrial genome regions in a population sample of Maracaibo, Venezuela




Hypervariable regions, Heteroplasmy, Mitochondrial DNA


Background: The study of the polymorphisms of the hypervariable regions I and II (HVI and HVII) of the mitochondrial DNA (DNAmt) has become an invaluable tool for forensic science, in some occasions a certain individual can present more than one type of mtDNA, this phenomenon is known as Heteroplasmy, this coexistence of two or more populations of DNAmt can occur in a single mitochondrion, cell or individual, which can increase the complexity in interpreting the results of forensic expertise. Objectives: Analyze the frequency of heteroplasmy in the HVI and HVII regions of the mitochondrial genome of 50 randomly selected DNA samples from the Maracaibo population. Methodology: The hypervariable regions were amplified by PCR, then sequenced using the Sanger method and the fragments were separated by capillary electrophoresis, differences were reported with respect to the Cambridge reference sequence. Results: 26% of the samples presented heteroplasmy in the HVI region, while in the HVII region it was 52%. Conclusions: The appearance of heteroplasmy in a certain sequence does not invalidate the use of mitochondrial DNA analysis for forensic purposes, depending on the complexity of the case to assess heteroplasmy can be of great help.


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Author Biographies

José Miguel Quintero Ferrer, Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas Dr. Heber Villalobos Cabrera

Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas Dr. Heber Villalobos Cabrera, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del
Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Departamento de Salud Pública y Social. Escuela de Bioanálisis, Facultad de
Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Delegado por Venezuela ante la Sociedad
Latinoamericana de Genética Forense SLAGF.

Tatiana Carolina Pardo Govea, Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas Dr. Heber Villalobos Cabrera

Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas Dr. Heber Villalobos Cabrera, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del
Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Lisbeth Beatriz Borjas Fuentes, Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas Dr. Heber Villalobos Cabrera

Instituto de Investigaciones Genéticas Dr. Heber Villalobos Cabrera, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del
Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela



How to Cite

Quintero Ferrer, J. M., Pardo Govea, T. C., & Borjas Fuentes, L. B. (2019). Frequency of heteroplasmy in HVI and HVII mitocondrial genome regions in a population sample of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Revista De Ciencias Forenses De Honduras, 5(2), 14–24.



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