Cattle fattening channel and tilapia with jicaro flour feed


  • Roberto Alexander Martínez Lagos Profesor de la carrera de Ingeniería Acuícola, Centro Universitario Regional de Litoral Pacífico (CURLP), UNAH
  • Oscar Colindres Varela Profesor del departamento académico de ciencias Centro Universitario Regional de Litoral Pacífico (CURLP), UNAH
  • Marilena Rodríguez Velasquez Profesor del departamento químico, biológico y de la salud, Centro Universitario Regional de Litoral Pacífico (CURLP), UNAH
  • Kaina Alvarado Estudiante de la carrera de Ingeniería Acuícola, Centro Universitario Regional de Litoral Pacífico (CURLP), UNAH



Ictaluruspunctatus, Tilapia, Crescentiaalata


In the southern region of Honduras it has been viewed aquaculture as an alternative for obtaining high quality protein for low-income rural population. In this area obtaining alternative low-cost local inputs and fast-growing aquaculture is key to ensuring the success of the processes that strengthen food security in the population. One option for achieving this goal is the use of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) as specie of culture and flour Jícaro (Crescentia alata) as a basis for the development of low-cost food. In this study the growth of channel catfish and tilapia in fattening stage was evaluated obtaining a conversion factor of 3.56: 1 and 4.19: 1 respectively, with feed containing 25% crude protein and 70% of its composition flour-based Jícaro. The tilapia obtained an increase in daily weight 0.68 grams and 2.76 grams the catfish; the condition factor in the two species at the end of the experiment was appropriate.

Revista Ciencia y Tecnología No.20, junio 2017; 91-100


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How to Cite

Martínez Lagos, R. A., Colindres Varela, O., Rodríguez Velasquez, M. and Alvarado, K. (2017) “Cattle fattening channel and tilapia with jicaro flour feed”, Jornual of Science and Technology, (20), pp. 91–100. doi: 10.5377/rct.v0i20.5497.



Life Sciences and Health