Reactivation of two strains of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus VPNHz1991 for the management of the corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea)




baculoviridae, Entomopathogenic, biopesticide, biotechnology, noctuidae


Background: Currently producers use insecticides against pests, a viable alternative is the use of  Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus. Objective of the work was to reactivate the VPNHz1991 strain, for the management of Helicoverpa zea, six treatments and six repetitions were used. Methodology: The treatments were: Viral concentration of 93 LE with three larval instars and viral concentration of 96 LE with three larval instars. A bioassay was carried out with L1, L2 and L3 instar larvae, with 25 larvae per treatment, inoculating the treatments into the artificial diet so that it is ingested by the larvae. A mortality of 100% was obtained for instars L1 and L2 and 97% for instar L3. The lethal time obtained was 192 h, complying with what was expected from the action of the virus. To determine the PIB polyhedral inclusion body count, the Neubauer chamber was used on a microscope where two batches harvested from the concentrations used were used. Results: The counting result for the harvested lot (116 LE) of the 93 LE concentration was 9.2X109 and for the harvested lot (119) of the 96 LE concentration was 1.34X1010, being very good results. Conclusions: The reactivation of the VPNHz1991 strain was achieved, presenting excellent biological activity in Helicoverpa zea larvae despite the years of inactivity, demonstrating that the VPNHz1991 viral strain used in the study is suitable for use as a biological control agent for management. of the corn worm.


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Author Biographies

C. I. Real-Baca, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Nicaragua

I am a Research Officer of the UNAN-León, I belong to the school
of agricultural and veterinary sciences, in addition to teaching
I also dedicate myself to the Production of Biological Control agents
at the Center for Research and Reproduction of Biological Controllers (CIRB),
as responsible for the production of entomopathogenic viruses in noctuid
insect breeding laboratories and virus laboratories.

K. O. Paibas-Amador, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León, Nicaragua

Graduate of the Tropical Agroecology Course at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León


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How to Cite

Real Baca, C. I., & Paibas Amador, K. O. (2023). Reactivation of two strains of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus VPNHz1991 for the management of the corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea). Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 9(18), 2193–2201.



Biothecnology Aplication
