Evaluation of mechanized tillage and amendments on the production of transvala grass (Digitaria decumbens Stent.) and its nutritional quality in San Mateo de Alajuela, Costa Rica
Mechanized Tillage, Amendments, tillage, Rstudiio, dray matterAbstract
Background: Transvala grass (Digitaria decumbens Stent.), used as a cutting grass, represents a feeding alternative for cattle, especially during periods of limited production. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of mechanized tillage and amendments on the production and nutritional quality of transvala grass. Methodology: Productive and nutritional variables of the grass were evaluated 78 and 173 days after treatment application (DAT). Treatments included Subsoiler, Mechanical Palin, Decompactor, Subsoiler+Amendment, Mechanical Palin+Amendment, Decompactor+Amendment, and a Control. Results: Treatments with amendments showed the highest values of coverage and height at both 78 and 173 DAT. However, at 78 days, none of the treatments differed significantly from the Control. Specifically regarding height, Mechanical Palin+Amendment showed the highest value (50.08 cm). After 173 days, Mechanical Palin+Amendment and Decompactor+Amendment exhibited the highest heights at 39.91 and 39.25 cm, respectively. Coverage at this same time was superior in Mechanical Palin+Amendment and Subsoiler+Amendment treatments, with median values of 96% and 95%, respectively, significantly different from the Control. Subsoiler+Amendment had the highest production (423.06±32.51 bales/ha) at 78 DAT. After 173 days, Mechanical Palin+Amendment achieved the highest values (268.97±26.57 bales/ha). For crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility, no significant differences were found between treatments in either evaluation period. Conclusions: Tillage treatments combined with lime and compost application significantly increased grass production, even doubling it in some cases. However, the nutritional quality of the grass was not altered by the treatments applied in this study.
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