Plagiarism and ethics in the social research process




Social research, ethics, plagiarism, technology


Plagiarism is an action in which a person uses words, ideas or other creations of someone else, as if they were their own, denying the corresponding credit to the original author. The research culture in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate theses is the subject of accusations related to plagiarism carried out by students and public figures with political and government participation. Many cases of plagiarism are not investigated due to lack of control or technical capacity. Complaints by teachers against students for plagiarism in work have become common. Hence the importance of analyzing ethical training in the university community for social research processes, which should be oriented towards the development of rigorous and honest academic work to avoid plagiarism. The central theme of this article refers to deficiencies, technological threats, ease, artificial intelligence and lack of institutional control, as well as the proposal of actions to be undertaken by the entities and organizations linked to the support and supervision of research work and recognition of academic degrees. , which are essential to control irregularities in the process. This paper emphasizes the importance of the formation of virtues, values, moral and ethical development in the process of social research, for which it is important to approach it from analogical hermeneutics and social criticism.

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Author Biographies

Guillermo Antulio Zúñiga Diéguez, USAG Investigator

Doctor in Philosophy and educational sciences, Master in Educational Administration, Graduate in History and High School Professor in History and Social Sciences. Tenured Professor XII at the School of History of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala

Perla Patricia Polanco Pérez, USAG Investigator

Master in Social Anthropology, Graduate in History, High School Teacher in History and Social Sciences. Doctoral student in Social Anthropology at El Colegio de Michoacán, A. C.



How to Cite

Zúñiga Diéguez, G. A., & Polanco Pérez, P. P. . (2023). Plagiarism and ethics in the social research process. Revista De La Universidad, 1(1), 50–59.


