Teaching of research at UNAH: The look of the actors in the Career of Pedagogy





Learning, teaching, research, methodologies, epistemological perspectives


Research is an essential function of the University, and the Pedagogy Career of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), considers the professional profile of the future pedagogue research training through three subjects of the current study plan; this presupposes the development of investigative capacities in students; however, it has been a concern the achievement of the same from the learning obtained in this field, which that reflects a problem to be studied; establishing itself as the general objective of this study, analyze the current situation of teaching and learning in the subjects of research from the perception of the actors (students and teachers). This study was qualitative and descriptive; the population and sample corresponded to students who culminated the research workshop and the teachers who taught it. Some findings that can be mentioned is that there is a contradiction between the teaching of knowledge technical-conceptual and attitudinal development in research; pedagogical practices of teachers are oriented to a process-product paradigm and not to the interpretive paradigm.

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Author Biographies

Lourdes Melissa Rodríguez Aguilar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Centro Universitario Regional del Centro

Máster en Desarrollo y Planeación en Educación. Catedrática de la Carrera de Pedagogía

Ángel Guillermo Alvarado, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Centro Universitario Regional del Centro

Licenciado en Pedagogía con orientación en Educación de Adultos. Catedrático de la Carrera de Pedagogía, UNAH



How to Cite

Rodríguez Aguilar, L. M., & Alvarado, Ángel G. (2022). Teaching of research at UNAH: The look of the actors in the Career of Pedagogy. Revista De La Universidad, 1(2), 25–29. https://doi.org/10.5377/ru.v2i2.14579