The commemoration of the Independence in the capital city of the Federal Republic of Central America: between civic festivities and religious activities (1823-1830)




bicentennial, independence, republic, holidays, patriotism


On September 15, 1821, the five provinces that made up the Kingdom of Guatemala, They declared independence from the Spanish Empire. This date is commemorated in the calendars civic celebrations of these five states and is the secular celebration to which the greatest reverence is accorded, uniting the different political actors of the countries. This festival was established in 1823, by the Constituent Assembly of the United Provinces of Central America and underwent rapid transformations in your execute method. This article explores the first celebrations of the independence in the Federal Republic of Central America, from 1823 to 1830, with the purpose to understand how it was configured until it acquired a consolidated form.

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Author Biographies

Julio José Sevilla Galeano, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Licenciado en Historia por la UNAH y egresado de la maestría en Historia Social y Cultural en la misma institución. Docente del departamento de Ciencias Sociales/UNAH-TEC-DANLÍ y docente de la Universidad Politécnica de Honduras.

José Manuel Cardona Amaya, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Master in Social and Cultural History. Professor of the Department of History of the National Autonomous University from Honduras.



How to Cite

Sevilla Galeano, J. J. ., & Cardona Amaya, J. M. (2022). The commemoration of the Independence in the capital city of the Federal Republic of Central America: between civic festivities and religious activities (1823-1830). Revista De La Universidad, 1(2), 31–35.