About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The themes of the journal are: Gender and interculturality, Education, Health, environment and natural resources, autonomy of the Caribbean Coast, history and current affairs of the Caribbean Coast, history and current events of URACCAN and culture of the Caribbean Coast.

Peer Review Process

The authors of URACCAN submit their proposals to the Editorial Board in each University Venue and once approved is sent to the Editorial Board of the journal for review and approval. In the case of external authors, they are sent directly to the journal's editor for review and opinion by the Editorial Board.

Publication Frequency

Revista Universitaria del CARIBE is a semi-annual publication published in Spanish with a circulation of 500 copies that are distributed free of charge to faculty and researchers and institutions and collaborators of URACCAN.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing open access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial Board


Juan Francisco Perera Lumbí
Director y editor URACCAN,

Fredy Leonel Valiente Contreras
Editor. Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaraguense (URACCAN).
Oficina de Enlace. Del Puente El Edén, 1 cuadra arriba, 2 cuadras al sur, Barrio Ducualí,
Managua. Codigo postal 891.,