Complexity and types of conflict in property ownership on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua




Property Ownership, forms of ownership, collective rights, complexity levels, types of conflict


This article was based on the study “Types of property ownership in the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua” with an emphasis on the complexity and types of conflict in property ownership. For this, the different types of property are analyzed based on the principles and categories contained in the Magna Carta, the general and special laws related to this subject. The methodology was qualitative aimed at recognizing the levels of complexity and types of conflict that occur according to the forms of ownership recognized in national legislation. For this, focus groups and interviews were carried out with the participation of representatives of the Municipal Governments, representatives of indigenous and Afro-descendant governments, and other social sectors, as well as a documentary review in order to have a comprehensive look at this issue. The main complexities are the growing non-indigenous population in indigenous territories, the politicization and partisanship in the election of community authorities, the lag and the lack of completion of the sanitation phase that prevents the issuance of property titles in favor of the indigenous communities and consequently makes investment negotiations difficult


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Author Biography

Sandra Carolina Rojas Hooker, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Máster en Estudios Indígenas. Directora Instituto de Estudios y Promoción de la Autonomía de la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense



How to Cite

Rojas Hooker, S. C. (2020). Complexity and types of conflict in property ownership on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. Revista Universitaria Del Caribe, 25(02), 80–90.



Autonomy of the Caribbean Coast