Local development management strategy. Case of La Sierpe municipality, Cuba





Local development, strategies, alliances, strategic lines


This article has described the alliances between the University and the actors of La Sierpe´s municipal government, Sancti Spiritus Province, in the re – elaboration of the local development strategy, based on the need to adjust it to the current contexts of the country and to take advantage of the material, human and financial resources available in the territory. A historical – logical analysis of the management strategies conception for local development carried out in the municipality from 2012 to 2020 was carried out; Likewise, the municipality has been diagnosed using several tools, which allowed the identification of strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT), with which the territory has and, from them, strategic lines were defined that respond to the priorities of the municipality, trying to maximize the use of local resources and increase the management capacities of the actors, enhancing the path of an endogenous development process, as well as the priority in the economic and social activities gestated from and for the municipality itself. It also demonstrated the need to take advantage of knowledge management in order to solve the problems that often arise in the locality.


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Author Biographies

Alexis Ramón Zedeño Valmaseda, “José Martí Pérez” Sancti Spíritus University, Cuba

Master en Ciencias agrícolas. Director del Centro Universitario Municipal La Sierpe. Universidad de Sancti Spiritus

Elizabeth Pérez Díaz, “José Martí Pérez” Sancti Spíritus University, Cuba

Graduate in Sociocultural Studies. Coordinator of programs and Objectives of the Municipal Government La Sierpe

Carlos Jorge Meneses Meneses, “José Martí Pérez” Sancti Spíritus University, Cuba

Master in Direction. Professor at the Municipal University Center La Sierpe. Sancti Spiritu University



How to Cite

Zedeño Valmaseda, A. R., Pérez Díaz, E., & Meneses Meneses, C. J. (2021). Local development management strategy. Case of La Sierpe municipality, Cuba. Revista Universitaria Del Caribe, 26(01), 63–70. https://doi.org/10.5377/ruc.v26i01.11880



Social Sciences