Nutritional valuation of organic banana wastes La Troncal, Ecuador




Analysis, banana, waste, ,degradability, nutritional


The nutritional and degradability characteristics of the organic wastes of banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) in La Troncal canton, Ecuador, green leaf, stem and rachis of the CAVENDISH and ORITO varieties were evaluated. The composition of the samples was evaluated on a dry basis by means of: Bromatological analysis (dry matter, crude protein, ash, ethereal extract, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract); Fiber analysis (NDF, FDA and LDA); Energy analysis (gross energy); and in situ degradability in cattle, using animals fistulated at the rumen level, of Brahman crossbred mixed race of 450 kg ± 20 kg live weight. Samples were incubated in the rumen using nylon bags for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The results showed acceptable values for cattle feeding in terms of chemical content, fiber, energy and dry matter degradability. It was concluded that banana wastes (green leaf, stem and rachis) in the genetic materials (CAVENDISH and ORITO) can be part of the ruminant diet, especially that of cattle, due to their characterized nutritional content and the in situ degradability of the dry matter of the samples analyzed.


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Author Biographies

José Humberto Vera Rodríguez, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Master´s in Zootechnic. Researcher Professor, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, La Troncal – Ecuador

Sinthya Tatiana Torres Sánchez, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Master´s in Environmental Management. Researcher Professor, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology. La Troncal - Ecuador

Haidee Azucena Macías Rojas, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Agronomist Engineer. Researcher Professor, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, La Troncal - Ecuador. email:

Jonnathan Ángel Galarza Cabrera, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Agricultural Technician. Researcher, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, La Troncal -Ecuador.

Liliana Elizabeth Piña Reinoso, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Agricultural Technician. Researcher, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology. La Troncal -Ecuador

Wendy Natalhy Morán Cabrera, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Agricultural Technician. Researcher, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology. La Troncal - Ecuador

Lizbeth Abigail Rivera Vivar, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Agricultural Technician. Researcher, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology. La Troncal - Ecuador

Óscar Mily Cabrera Guaraca, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology, Ecuador

Agricultural Technician. Researcher, Enrique Noboa Arízaga High Institute of Technology. La Troncal - Ecuador



How to Cite

Vera Rodríguez, J. H., Torres Sánchez, S. T., Macías Rojas, H. A., Galarza Cabrera, J. Ángel, Piña Reinoso, L. E., Morán Cabrera, W. N., Rivera Vivar, L. A., & Cabrera Guaraca, Óscar M. (2021). Nutritional valuation of organic banana wastes La Troncal, Ecuador. Revista Universitaria Del Caribe, 26(01), 78–86.


