Diversity and abundance of microalgae in Apanás Lake waters, Jinotega June-November 2019





water, photosynthesis, lake, plankton


This exploratory research was conducted in the waters of Apanás Lake, in Jinotega Department, between June and November 2019, with the objective of estimating the diversity and abundance of microalgae. Three sampling points were taken in the area between La Pista (P1), El Malecón (P2), and El Canal (P3). Water samples were taken once a month, physical-chemical parameters (oxygen, temperature, pH, and turbidity) were measured and water samples were collected to quantify microalgae concentrations. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 8.45 – 1.11 mg/L throughout the study period. Temperature values ranged from 34.5 – 22°C. Turbidity readings ranged from 27 – 120 cm.  The pH value of the water presented a range of 7.9 – 9.42. The minimum concentration of microalgae was in October in El Malecón (78,220 cells/ml), increasing the values in September in El Canal (567,500 cells/ml). The main species of microalgae found were Tetraedon mínimum, Pediastrum simplex, Desmodesmus abundans, Scenedesmus quadricuada. Shannon and Weaver's diversity and abundance index was found to be 4.79 (La Pista), 3.98 (El Malecón), and 4.6 (El Canal). Simpson's dominance index remained at 0.056 (La Pista), 0.078 (El Malecón), and 0.079 (El Canal). These results allow us to consider Apanás Lake as a habitat rich in species diversity and abundance


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Author Biographies

Carmen Isabel Hernández Rivera, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Master in Sustainable Local Development, Research Professor at the School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León.


Karen Junieth Cerros Cruz, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Graduated from the Aquaculture Engineering career, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua

Vanessa Gabriela Regalado García, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Graduated from the Aquaculture Engineering career, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Wilber Janoy Rodríguez Hernández, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Graduated from the Aquaculture Engineering career, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Melba Regina Altamirano Pérez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León

Aquaculture engineer and researcher. of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua-León



How to Cite

Hernández Rivera, C. I. ., Cerros Cruz, K. J. ., Regalado García, V. G. ., Rodríguez Hernández, W. J. ., & Altamirano Pérez, M. R. . (2022). Diversity and abundance of microalgae in Apanás Lake waters, Jinotega June-November 2019. Revista Universitaria Del Caribe, 29(02), 65 – 75. https://doi.org/10.5377/ruc.v29i02.15239



Environment and natural resources