Tutors Performance in the monographic research process of URACCAN, Nueva Guinea Campus
Tuition, Tuition effectiveness, Monograph, Tutor, EffectivenessAbstract
The present study was carried out to identify the performance of tutors in the monographic research process 2010-2016, at URACCAN, Nueva Guinea Campus. It is a quantitative research study with a correlational and cross-sectional scope based on a descriptive design. The participating population was male and female graduates (380 students), as well as the teaching staff who did tutoring in this period. The sample was calculated through the Schaefer equation, it was disaggregated for each stratum by sex, career and year of graduation. The information was collected through surveys organized on a Likert scale. The variables considered were; characteristics that a tutor must meet, effectiveness and importance of tutoring, main difficulties and weaknesses in the accompaniment. The results show that most of the tutors know and identify the stages or processes of the monographic research, given by the knowledge of the normative framework that organize this process and the moments of it, even so, it was obtained that a proportion of teachers do not know fully the different stages and moments of the process, which affects the investigative support to the students. On the other hand, the students value positively the tutee performance and qualities of the tutor given by the knowledge related to the researched topics, experience in conducting investigative accompaniment processes, synergies created between tutor and students, also, there are elements to improve as it is the accompaniment in the elaboration of the scientific article being this the weakest moment of the tutorial process. The study shows that the tutoring in URACCAN is effective, given by the high number of students that conclude their research process in the considered period according to the regulations and the positive evaluation of the process by the students. It is concluded that the tutors in URACCAN develop an effective accompaniment process to the students in their research process.
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