Risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis at Nuevo Amanecer Hospital





neonatal sepsis, risk factors, prenatal risk factors, premature


In order to contribute to the strengthening of comprehensive care for newborns (Neonates), this study entitled: Risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis was carried out at Nuevo Amanecer Hospital, during January-December, 2013.

The study was qualitative-quantitative, retrospective with a cross-section scope, with more outstanding results, with maternal age being 66% between the ages of 20-34 years, depending on the ethnic group, Miskitus mothers predominate in 68%, in marital status mothers of Free union were the majority with 42%, in terms of maternal factors it stands out as UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) with 31%, mothers who had pre-eclampsia with 22%, as well as the most frequent risk factors such as underweight at birth with 45%, and followed by 29% premature, regarding the risk factors related to childbirth are not relevant in our environment since in the labor and delivery room the regulations of asepsis and antisepsis are complied with, and Good washing technique of the perineal vulvo region is performed, prior to delivery care, taking into account these results, recommendations were made at different levels such as Nuevo Amanecer Hospital, SILAIS and also to the users of the different health services.


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Author Biographies

Dionicio Luis Ocampo Willis, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Estudiante de Medicina Intercultural URACCAN recinto Bilwi, 

Roland Alexander  Charle, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Estudiante de Medicina Intercultural URACCAN recinto Bilwi

Teisey Teresa  Allen, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

 Licenciada en Psicología, docente de URACCAN recinto Bilwi



How to Cite

Ocampo Willis, D. L., Charle, R. A., & Allen, T. T. (2020). Risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis at Nuevo Amanecer Hospital. Revista Universitaria Del Caribe, 24(01), 46–60. https://doi.org/10.5377/ruc.v24i01.9910


